Thursday, June 14, 2012

Drawing Near..

So I finally sat my butt -and settled my thoughts – down to share something that I’m learning/walking through/trying to understand from the Bible. For a while, I’ve been stuck in this rut of reading my Bible with the aid of my devotional and I must confess that the words in the devotional have been so on point that it so fuelled my comfort and well, laziness to ‘dig deep’. After all, I have argued with myself on several occasions that what I want from studying my Bible is a clearer understanding of what it says, a better of understanding of who God is, a drawing near… and here comes someone shining the light into that verse that seemingly meant nothing to me ... Well, quick fact about me, I like things simplified; algebraic equations as opposed to vectorized notations, Keep It So Simple-KISS, yeah you can call that my motto. Dare I refer to myself as simpleton? I tend to think so lots of the times, I’m not just sure I like the fact that this simple mindedness does not lead to exploits or good… at least based on my brief survey of the Proverbs. Ok, so has anyone been here before?? Perhaps the journey is peculiar to me…

Well I need to rein in my thoughts, they keep moving on and on and on...
I have decided to embark on Bible- study, i.e. devotional and commentary free study of the books of the Bible... (I know, I know, where have I been? How did I get here? Et al, et al.. I think paragraph 1 answers all those questions). Well, the thing is, I keep getting to this point where I ask myself: ‘How much of my devotional is Spirit-inspired and how much is opinion-based or experience-concluded?’  Not like any of these is wrong or not edifying, however in seeking to draw near, in seeking to understand God for myself, what are the things that I can attest to be: ”the things which I have seen with my eyes, which I have looked upon, and my hands have handled, of the Word of life” (I John 1: 1 – my paraphrase)? Neways, right there, you find my motive or my purpose or my wake-up call – whatever you choose to call it.

In upcoming posts, I shall be presenting some of my musings since I started study. I’d like to request ahead of time that you pardon the piecemeal approach and yep, experience-concluded, opinion based and Spirit-inspired comments and ‘torch-lights’ from my brothers and sisters are highly welcome. I am deeply inspired and honoured to have you as family and to be part of this family. What I have learnt and I’m learning though is not to put the cart before the horse... I have my part to play in finding the light and I shall do the work too.. J

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing Toyin. I think most of us fall into that rut of being just satisfied with the 'religious' daily devotional. Am I studying the word in the morning just to satisfy my religious conscience? I guess I'm bringing in a different twist. Or am I pressing and searching for the truth? The truth that the Berean christians sort for? For me, it's a call for me to search inwards. Thanks dear
